Excerpt of Peaceful Survival Skills

White Light is one of the most important healing tools. When we confront a situation that makes us feel helpless, powerless, sad and desperate, there is always this powerful prayer that can help us and everyone involved. Sometimes it is the only step we can take to remedy a situation. White Light can become a reliable thought image in our mind, a habit in our problem solving repertoire and a way of reacting to any traumatic event and human suffering.

White Light is the most powerful, purest energy that exists. Light gives life. Without light nothing can exist. Where light comes, darkness disappears. Light is the symbol of the Divine Spirit and Divine Power. Light signifies love, peace, and joy. In Christian paintings the saints have a white or golden halo around their heads to show that they are in the light and close to God. Every religion mentions the “Light,” but this writing shows a way how to actually use it.

We all have the light in us from the moment of our existence. This light can heal, protect and bless. We can get in touch with the White Light by calling it to us with the following invocation:

First take three deep breaths, then say
I invoke the Light of Christ within me.*
I am a clear and perfect channel
Light is my Guide”
* I invoke the Light Divine within me

Now imagine that the White Light is descending from above, entering you and shining in your mind (the spot between your eyebrows) and in your heart, filling you with a feeling of love, peace and joy. You can now use the White Light to protect and heal yourself and to send it to others to protect, to heal, and to bless, that is to invoke God’s favor upon. Know that this is a spiritual act. I recommend that you invoke the White Light every morning upon awakening to make each day a good one.

Be aware that if you worry about someone, you send them negative energy. Send the White Light instead! To send it to someone, either imagine that the White Light is shining above their head and flowing down surrounding their whole body—or you can imagine a comet shining in front of them—and with your index finger let it spiral around their whole body, up and down.

Figure 10

You can also put this White Light around a pet, a house, a car, a boat, an airplane—or any other object you want to protect. You can even put it around a town, a country, or a whole continent! Sometimes there is nothing you can do about a situation except to send the White Light.

Figure 11

If you want to know whether the White Light really works and makes a positive difference in your relationship with someone, send them the White Light daily for a while, without telling them what you are doing. Then see whether your attitude towards each other has changed for the better. Be aware that you need to be in a loving state of mind in order to be effective in sending someone the White Light, a protection, a blessing, and a healing.

If you have sent the White Light to someone for a while and noticed no change in them, it doesn’t mean the White Light isn’t working. It may just be they’re not ready yet to receive it. What I do in that case is to imagine the White Light hovering right above that person’s head, ready to manifest when its time has come.

If you have forgotten to send the White Light to someone who needed it, don’t feel guilty. In the spirit world there is no time and no space. So whenever you send the White Light to someone, a spiritual act, know that it will always arrive at the right time, be it present, past, or future.

Another effect of the White Light is the healing principle: when we send loving and healing thoughts to someone, we are at the same time healing ourselves. The more White Light we send to others, the stronger and more powerful our White Light becomes.

When we acquire an inner state of calm and peace, we will be able to spread the White Light, a blessing, healing, and protection to every human being, animal, and around our still (but barely) habitable planet. What can happen when many people join together is a global change of mind from all forms of war to all forms of peace. That is the way to save our planet and all inhabitants.

“There is a Power that will light your way
to health, happiness, peace and success,
if you will but turn toward that light.”
-Paramahansa Yogananda

* * * * *

The following are examples of how the White Light came through for me:

Many years ago, during a hot summer in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley where I lived, there was a large fire burning at the North edge. A friend, who was house sitting in that area, called and implored me to pray for her because the fire seemed close. I sent her the White Light, spiraling around the house (which I had never seen). She called the next day to let me know that her house was the only one on the block that had no fire damage!

* * * * *

Bruce, a friend of mine who was a drummer in a rock band, had a huge motorcycle that he loved to drive fast in the desert. He confessed to me that he was very afraid he might have an accident one day. I told him, “No, Bruce, don’t worry; we will put the White Light around you and the motorcycle.” He said he knew about the White Light, and proceeded to tell me a story. A few years ago, one night after a gig around 1 a.m., as he and his bandmate were loading their instruments into the car, a guy approached them with a gun. He made them kneel in the dirt—as he robbed the money they had just earned—and then he stepped back. Bruce realized that this could be his last moment, and he silently cried: “God, not like this!” He said at that moment, a White Light came from above, and he instantly felt strong, jumped up and knocked the gun out of the robber’s hand. They held him until the police arrived.

When I visited him a few weeks after our conversation, he had drawn a picture with him on the motorcycle and me sitting behind him (which never happened), and around this he had drawn the White Light spiral. We both acknowledged that he was now well protected.

One Sunday, I got very angry with Bruce. I wanted him to do me a favor, but was unable to reach him. After I left yet another urgent message on his phone, and felt really frustrated, I said out loud: “You know, Bruce, I am going to step off your bike, and I’m taking the White Light too! So there!” I didn’t hear from him for many weeks, and when I finally did, he told me he had a serious motorcycle accident around the time I was trying to reach him, and he had broken some bones. The guilt I started to feel was tremendous. I learned the hard way that You do not take the White Light away from anyone. Ever.

* * * * *

Another time I was driving on the freeway, very much aware that my license sticker was expired and the wrong color, so that if the police noticed, they would pull me over and probably take my car. I was watching my rear view mirror carefully, when a police car came into my lane. There were two cars between us, but one was going into the right lane and the other into the left with the police car now right behind me. I immediately began to panic because they would notice my expired sticker and pull me over. I started praying and frantically put the White Light around my car. When the police car started flashing its lights, I almost had a heart attack, but then they swerved past me racing for another car!

* * * * *

I’ve also had success with pink light. The color pink is supposed to have a calming effect, and is even used in some psychiatric facilities. I worked at one which had a “pink room” to calm down excited patients within about thirty minutes. After some mental training, I have found that I’m able to imagine a pink light, like a cloud, around any barking dog at night. I ask it gently in my mind to calm down, telling the dog: “It’s OK, it’s OK, it’s OK, doggy.” It usually works (unless I’m angry at the dog or its owner).


1 Dael Walker, The Crystal Book, (Sunol:, CA, the Crystal Company, 1983), 37.