Excerpt from Peaceful Survival Skills © Marlies Amarca

How to Heal Trauma and Live Peacefully

There are many sources of trauma, from interpersonal conflict, crime and war to environmental disasters, loss of health or home and others. Few are spared in their life from experiencing some trauma. People who have survived a traumatic experience, a life-changing or life-threatening event often suffer from reactions to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD* and a host of other symptoms and problems. They may be forced to enter a survival mode and learn mental and emotional skills to heal. They may need professional help.

The mental health crisis has accelerated . . . It has become difficult for people to find a therapist, because there is an acute provider shortage. There are record-high rates of people unable to find help. One in two people struggle with mental illness, without enough appointments available for patients to see a qualified healthcare professional. . . We need to solve the short-age in affordable, quality mental healthcare and expand accessibility and visibility to alternative methods of effective treatment.1

My teachings and methods offer such an alternative. As a psychologist I have devoted over 30 years to the treatment of crime victims and people traumatized by experiencing, surviving, and living through a life threatening or violent event or crisis. These methods provide self-help for people who can’t find a therapist, or don’t have the time or money for psychotherapy. My teachings are a direct method toward healing from trauma physically, emotionally, and mentally. This book is written in a clear understandable language, is easy to work with and effective in producing noticeable results. It teaches basic peaceful living skills to teens and adults. It is my contribution to help bring about a more peaceful world. Whatever your motivation is in reading this book, it will provide you with a solid foundation and a workable path to living more peacefully, creative, and happily.

*Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition triggered by a traumatic event.

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My Teachings of Peaceful Living Skills

This book is based on belief in a Higher Power, in GOD, and that all peaceful and religious paths lead to Him. Since my approach is eclectic, I ask for the readers’ open-mindedness when I use wisdoms from different faiths and philosophies.

With the inspiration and guidance of my teachers, I’ve developed and taught the lessons in peaceful living skills that are presented in the following chapters. I have applied, tested and verified these teachings for many years. They are based on psychological, philosophical, and spiritual principles and universal laws.

Chapter One

Stress Management. Learn how to calm down. A look at what stress is, how it affects us physically, emotionally, and mentally, and how to reduce it with various methods and exercises that enable the mind and body to relax and let go. These represent a basic method to reach a state of healing, calm, self-control, a clear mind, and inner peace.

Chapter Two

Problem Solving. Learn how to solve problems. The description of five universal laws that, when applied, can lead to the solution of one’s problems and setting exciting and meaningful new goals.

Chapter Three

Relationships, Anger, and Forgiveness. Learn how to get along with others. The focus is on anger control, as well as how to avoid arguments that escalate into violence, how to react when your buttons are pushed, how the attack-defense dilemma can be avoided, and how the benefits of forgiveness can lead to reconciliation and peace. Also included is a description of friendship and basic principles of parenting.

Chapter Four

Various Helpers. Learn how to receive spiritual help, protection and guidance using the white light, Guardian Angels, Principles of Healing, Dr. Coué’s Healing Phrase, Affirmations, Prayers and Meditation.

Chapter Five

My Teachers. An acknowledgment of noted psychologists, sources, and guides that introduced me to philosophical, spiritual and metaphysical principles, all of which inspired my teaching content and therapeutic methods.

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The most important step we human beings can take in life is towards peace, awakening, and aspiring to accomplish the highest and best of which we are capable, given the talents and skills destiny bestowed on us. To awaken means to become aware of who we are, why we are here and what we are meant to do to fulfill our life’s purpose. Peace is a state of mind. It causes inner calm and confidence and awakens creativity, feelings of love, compassion, caring, tolerance and happiness. Peace begins within us, and from us it spreads to others. Peace brings only good to all of us.

However, as I write this the people on this planet are experiencing anything but peace. It has become more and more difficult for us to feel calm, safe and have peace of mind, harmonious relationships and to look to the future without fear. The world is changing at a very fast pace, and we are forced to enter a survival mode. A spiritual teacher named Arten said, in this century “You can expect everything to be bigger, faster and scarier.” 2 And so it is. We are now dealing with serious traumatic events and crises. Climate change now threatens every aspect of human life. The world is now a battleground where contradiction reigns, and opposites make endless war. 3 War is also a state of mind, the opposite of peace. It causes violence, destruction and death.

The truth is, we can only survive peacefully.

“War is outdated — non-violence is the only way. We need to develop a sense of the oneness of humanity by considering other human beings as brothers and sisters. This is how we will build a more peaceful world.”
— His Holiness the Dalai Lama, February 28, 2022.

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1 Covid-19 has accelerated the Mental Health Crisis, Dr. Aron Tendler, 10/26/2021.
2 Gary R. Renard The Disappearance of the Universe (Carlsbad: Hay House Inc., 2005), 371.
3 A Course In Miracles, Manual for Teachers (Mill Valley, CA: Foundation for Inner Peace, 2007), 66.